How to start a beginner in carding


Hello everyone!

I should note that for beginners, the most useful of the comments may be the part on setting up the system, the rest may not seem very optimistic, and the point is not that "everything is lost", but that I have not started from scratch for a long time, and everyone with whom I communicate has already passed the start stage and investment amounts of $ 1-5k have become commonplace for the direction test. At the same time, I absolutely understand those who want to start with investments of $ 100-500, or even better without them at all, learn how to make the same $ 500-1000 / month, and then invest from the earned. I highly recommend paying attention to those who were able to achieve such a result quite recently, try as much as possible to join their team and learn, adopt experience.

As for me, at the moment I see the most useful interaction with those who have already passed the "beginner's path", learned how to do 1-5k / month and want to move on.

And yet, soon there will be a number of articles based on 4 years of hard work experience in a specialized direction - brut RDP, there will be even more relevant information)

And now to the article:

Stage 1 - Machine Setup / Security.
If your plans do not include work on the CIS and you are just starting, then it is necessary and sufficient to take a few simple steps:

a) prepare the working machine
Install a new SSD, install a new Windows and forget about using this Windows for personal purposes - social. networks / personal mails / skype, etc.

Change the network address, i.e. go online through another device
Another device means changing a network card / wi-fi adapter / 3G modem or switching from one type of connection to another.
For example, a standard network port was used in a PC via a cable, there is an option to plug a new network card and insert a cable there or a Wi-Fi adapter and connect through a router, or use a 3G modem.
It is more accurate with modems, the speed of the Internet is extremely important in work and, if your 3G modem works mediocre for you, it is better not to resort to using it.

b) configure the connection
Install the most inexpensive and stable VPN and make sure it is always on.

c) configure the software
Browsers plugins to disable ads, history and all kinds of tracking - the forum has more detailed topics.
Create a file for comfortable record keeping (in my case, rightnot, but maybe it will be more convenient for you to use Word \ Excel
Don't bother with virtual machines, by and large, they are not needed, Dedicated computers are many times more efficient.

That's it, now we sit on a clean working machine, we have IP = IP VPN service and move on to stage 2))
With the preparation of the working machine, everything is correct, a new SSD, a new Windows, no personal data inside.
You can work with poppy too, google the "poppy in the service of a hacker" series of articles.

Accessing the Internet from a modem is a rather controversial issue. It is extremely unlikely that you will change modems every couple of weeks, and if it comes to finding your source of Internet access and you need to be found, they will be found, just next to the "left" modem your real handset will light up regularly. Moreover, if you do not change it regularly, then at the time of the breakdown the device may still be active and then the expediency of its use is nullified.
But, do not worry, it will not come to this if you implement the rest of the points correctly.

In short, on the Internet, let them shower me with slippers, but using your usual Internet at the start is NORM. BUT ONLY with the elaboration of all the following points.
Level 100 is to rent an apartment using someone else's passport and periodically change it, the Internet, respectively, to the owner of the apartment, and even better, the neighbor's WIFI.

Next, we need to create a "double bottom" crypto container using TRUCRIPT or VERACRIPT, the information is easily googled.
In the first part, we load something like porn, in the second we will install a virtual machine.
It works like this, one password unlocks one part, another another, and it is impossible to establish that there is a second part. In a critical situation, we show the first part.

In the second part we load the virtual machine, in my experience VirtualBox is much more convenient than VMvari.
The optimal OS solution is Windows7 Ultimate.

Let's go back to the Internet, we need to buy 2 VPNs:
The first is a public page on our main car, go to Google and select any, the normal price is within 100 bucks per year, we do not need any double - triple - quadro. I won't recommend a specific one, but I will warn against CyberChost - one of the worst options.

The second is some small VPN service from a private seller, there are suggestions on the forum, or you can raise your personal VPN.
The issue price is also about $ 100 per year. We will install it on our virtual machine, respectively, before work, we first turn on the first, then we go to the virtual machine and turn on the second. Of course, pay for the second VPN only with crypto, or from left cards, for the first it is desirable the same way.

For even greater distance from yourself, there is a good option: rent a VPS server, the cost is from 10 to 70 $ per month, log in to it from a virtual machine after 2x VPN and install software to clear the connection logs.
But this is already for advanced people, for starting 2 VPNs + virtual machine in a cryptocontainer is the best option.

To deposit money, you can buy a set Bitcoin with the required limits and transfer it to a crypt through exchangers. Initial profits can be displayed in the same way in the opposite direction; for withdrawal, you need a kit with a card.

There are also more confused options for security and nuances of depositing and withdrawing money, for partners I painted a whole manual, and yet this will be enough to start, but to withdraw, you first need to earn something)

Stage 2 - learning words.
Yes, yes, exactly the words: new, incomprehensible, we study forums and master the terminology.
About words and terminology, everything is the same, if you do not understand the word, do not continue reading until you understand its meaning, this is very important.

Stage 3 - choose the path :)
There are many paths, and the most attractive will most likely be the most costly and longest, consider the options:

a) shipping / physical goods
b) gift / electronic goods
c) PP
d) material preparation
e) another narrow direction

I'll write about point D) - there are quite a lot of other areas that cannot be attributed to the previous points, such as the same poker or calling the service, but obviously, in order to start in these directions, you must have some special skills, otherwise it is most likely better dwell on something more general.

a) shipping / physical goods
Most are planning to start from this side, having seen enough of the photos of the staff regularly posted in the appropriate sections.
However, let's think about what the work in this direction is like - every day you spend several hours on the following actions: searching for shops, preparing / buying material, driving in, monitoring mails, monitoring tracks, working with an intermediary / drops / sending service, receiving goods, sale.
If you plan to sizzle under a stingy then the chain ends 2 points earlier, but everything else remains.

Now let's estimate how many times will pass between the first point and the last one on which you can get a profit.
The answer is as follows: a week or two if under the buy, 10+ days when selling from the middle / drop, 20+ days when shipping in your country directly, 30+ days when driving into the middle / drop and send it to your country.
And for a beginner to start by driving in the most liquid goods under the buy-in is, in my opinion, very reckless, just as one cannot rely on the fact that illiquid assets from the middle will be bought quickly and expensively)
It turns out that the most normal options for a beginner are to carding illiquid liquid directly in your country and carding the middle with the aim of further sending it to your country at the same time longest.

And let's calculate how much more money we need to invest during these days of waiting for profit, well, let's say every working day we break through 10 shops, 2 shops with 1 CC and use one deed per day, 5 working days a week.
This is normal, although in fact it is even not enough, working 6-8 hours you can break through 30-40 shops per day.
We consider 1СС ~ 10 $ at the prices of HTA from bases with good validity, 10 * 5 = 50 $, 1dik ~ 8 $, total $ 58 / day.

Summing up the costs in the "days of waiting for profit" and we get that to start regular work in this direction, we need something of the order of $ 1k.
Of course, you can spend 3 days on carding and then not deal with them for a month, waiting for the goods and profit, but this is no longer work in this direction, but rather a hobby)
Firstly, everything has become much more expensive, HTA is closed, it is difficult to find the necessary material at adequate prices.
Secondly, antifrauds do not stand still, and stupid carding from a virtual machine on a proxy or tunnel found in a public domain will most likely not bring the desired result.

There is also good news, antidetect tools such as the sphere have appeared, services have appeared that provide good individual proxies, logs for the sphere with cookies and other usefulness.
Alternative mobile device + router connected to the required proxy.
The downside is still the same, investment and time to master the tools.

In general, I see opportunities for development in this direction only in the meticulous study and use of advanced solutions.
The amount for a normal injection into the topic with the calculation of costs is similar to the article in 2016, I see from 1.5k to 2.5k, it is reasonable to find a couple of like-minded people and buy / test tools together.

Also, from personal experience, I can say that competent drivers with their software and knowledge of how to use it are at a premium. There are a lot of logs, you cannot process everything yourself, and it is very difficult to find adequate ones. By adequate I mean:
1) High / stable online
2) Fulfillment of obligations, if you already said that you will make 100 logs today, then you sat down and did it, entered a report in Google Dox, stories about the summer and fucking did not resist anyone.
3) Knowledge of the functionality of the programs, you can learn to use the same area inside and out in a couple or three days, but for some reason few people consider it necessary.
4) The desire to learn, to do more than necessary. Well, for example, if you were given logs for PayPal, you worked them out, and then among the same logs you picked out Amazon and processed it not as a bonus for yourself personally, but for the general balance, then it is logical that it is better to give the fattest logs to you, and not to those who makes a minimum.

In short, it's a normal topic for beginners to master software and write a "resume" to find a team that you can join.
So you can start with almost no financial investment and raise it well by % from profit.

b) Gift / electronic goods
The direction in which the profits will come much faster, in a week it is quite easy for Gift to go even to a shop with fierce illiquid assets, the main thing is not to fight for them as for the last and move at a price, in the end you got some experience, made a result, and even if you just paid off the mate and got quite a bit from above, this is already a good result.

All that is needed is a good choice of material and patience - in this case, you need a clean Dedicated Server and a High-Valid Mate with a beater as close as possible to the Dedicated Server Location. And before you carding from a completely clean browser, take some time to walk around this and neighboring shops.

Estimating the time until the first profit per week and at a cost level similar to point a), we get that we need ~ $ 400 to start.
The same comment as in the previous version, only liquid gifts are usually powerful shops, starting with them is a controversial issue, again, only use the best and non-standard tools.

c) PP
I will not paint about what brute / self-registers are and what they are eaten with - there is a very large and popular section on this topic.

I will only describe my opinion - everything works with the right choice of material, it is especially difficult to find a clean IP, whether it be SSH or RDP - 95% have already used PP / ebay and working with them is like banging your head against the wall.

I do not advise you at all at the start, but if you have any material (for example, brute PP or Dedicated Server) you can try.
Far from the PP, but the essence is the same, logs have replaced brutus, good logs + tools will give the result. The clumsy brute-force of accounts is outdated.

d) material preparation
This is a completely different side of work, which is too often overlooked and ignored, but it is on this side that the stability that is so necessary at the start is present.

Let's look at what material is constantly needed, which means it will be in demand and how you can prepare it.

1) SSH / RDP (they are also tunnels and Dedicated Server)
They are obtained by brute through the selection of login / password pairs to the IP with an open port.
In fact, a certain software is simply installed on the purchased VDS server, logins / passwords are loaded into it, which will be sorted out and that's it, then the software does everything for you.
Prices for software from 10 $ to 500 $, there is also a lot of broken software in the public, which is still quite functional.

It is difficult to start, but if there is an inexpensive software for the extraction of this material, it is worth understanding this, everyone needs ssh and rdp)
On the brutus of RDP / VNC / SSH we will talk separately in the next. articles, with this direction mainly and have been working for 4 years.

2) CC
Extracted from botnet logs, through fake sites or attacking scripts.
All this is not suitable for a beginner and costs a lot of money, so at the start of CC you can only buy by itself.
But this does not mean that there is no way to get profit from the preparation of this material.

What can be done:
- check for validity / balance by calling the bank those. Just buy a CC in one of the shops with the possibility of a check, immediately call the bank and check the balance / validity of the card through the answering machine, in case of invalid - return to the shop. CC does not die from such checks.
Roughly speaking, this way you filter the invalid shop, buying cc for $ 3-5 after the check with a call and checking the balance / validity, its price is already $ 10-15.

- search for bins "non vbv" or bins with resetting vbv by ssn / dob
There is also information on these topics, if there is a desire, you can easily master the skills of a check)
Again, the CC price is <$ 5 + search SSN / DOB ~ $ 3, at the exit a card with VBV worth $ 15-25
If you find non vbv bin of a country other than US, then bin costs $ 50-100

- make enroll

I will add little about CC, it is really difficult to start with bots and fakes.
I rarely work with CC myself.
Nevertheless, from various sources I regularly hear that after the closure of HTA with the material just an ass, the validity is low, there is little choice, the price is higher.
This is good information for those willing to take on the role of a filter.
Indeed, there are people who are ready to pay good $$$ for a well-filtered checkmate (for example, by calling the bank and changing the number to the holder's number to clarify the balance, validity, data correctness).
In fact, you need to find as many places as possible to buy material, find banks whose mat you can check with a call, test and open a service for the sale of quality material to order. Most carders-stuffers will be happy to leave an order according to the necessary data and the next day they will buy the material suitable for the parameters.

3) Aki from logs
Mostly they are mined by brutus through software or via mail, they also happen from botnets, but we will forget about bots for now.

How it works: install the software, buy a "soap / pass" database, buy a proxy for a month, load the "email / pass" database and proxy into the software, click "Start", and look at the result in a few hours)

Very good news - the price of software for one service bundle, as a rule, does not exceed $ 10.
Another good news - almost all software runs on proxies and you can install it on your working machine (don't forget about VPN, though)
Now, to the not very good news - only removed bases are not very cheap, about $ 50 for 1kk or $ 10 for 1k of valid email.
Cheap proxies may not be suitable for brute the most popular services, since a lot of people use them.

How to get around the "not very good news" - a base like email / pass can be taken, so to speak, from a person who removes something else from it, well, for example, someone extracts BA or Avia, but you need an Amazon and eBay.
Popular services like the same Amazon and ebay do not react well to the entrance through software from cheap proxies (they lock up), but at the same time you can check the activity of the account / restore the pass manually through the mail of the owner of the aka by incoming letters, but it will take much longer, but for free.

What to do:
- buy software for a check for 3-5 services (for example, PP, ebay, email), having previously studied the demand for the result of the check. ~ $ 50
- buy a proxy for a month ~ $ 100
- buy base 1kk + ~ 50 $
Brutalize incessantly, selling the result of activities on all thematic boards.

Or a more light version:
- buy software (or find it in the public) for a check of emails for certain letters. ~ $ 10
- buy a base of valid soap shops 1-10k ~ $ 40.
- search by letters of popular services (Ali, Amazon, ebay, other shops)
- go to the mail with SSH / RDP under the holder's background, restore the pass from the service through the soap.

At the moment, I would advise you to look for ALI accounts with the A2 + level of any country, go to them, restore the pass. After selling in the format email; password for email; password for ali; account level and Amazon accounts with orders over $ 100 in the last 2 months WITHOUT GOING TO AMAZON only through mail, also look for the holder's address in the mail. After selling email format: password: "listing all large orders for 2 months"; holder's address.

You can also climb by mail and look for other stores in which the holder made orders, to some, by the way, a credit card is screwed with which you can place orders to your addresses :)

As for mining: the software is still there, the databases are also being sold.
What exactly is relevant in the market at the moment: study the sections with supply and demand.
In general, accounts from Brutus gave way to accounts from logs (they are received from stealers, this is software that, when launched, collects all data from browsers and sends it to the person who distributes this software), where, in addition to data from the account, there is also additional data, such as cookies and user agent of the user. Knowing this additional data and using antidetect, we will be able to log into the account as much as possible like a user, thereby increasing our chances of successful processing.

As you already understood for beginners who do not have investments, I advise direction d)
Firstly, when preparing a mate, you will 100% acquire contacts of more experienced people in this direction, they will add you themselves :)
Secondly, you will learn to separate a good mate from a bad one, simply by customer requests and reviews.
Thirdly, you will receive money and checkmate for experiments in other directions.
Fourthly, this is some kind of stability that you can develop, for example, by purchasing additional software for the receipt of new services and running already purchased databases through it.

Actually that's all, good luck to everyone :)

In general, the main thing is not to be an asshole, openness, adequacy and working for a reputation are the best universal advice.
Master advanced software, look for a team and partners, show yourself well and not get lost.

Soon there will be new material, the more "thumbs up" is typed, the faster it is published, good luck to everyone!









NB: check 3 sites before an op. You should do it in this order, 1 go to and make sure every single box has a green check if you have even 1 red or yellow box success rate drops, 2 go to and do anonymity test every box should be at least orange except the first 4 boxes those should be red, then 3rd go to they will give you a score to let you know if you look like regular person.

Small sense for the NOOBS.
When carding always make sure your laptop or pc time and date matches with the time and date of the country or state or city of cc you are about to use to card
And you can know the date and time by googling it.
Good article, can I contact you?
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