< 1977.WS | SSN | BANK | Bank Self registration | SHOP | TRAVEL >

Recruitment of sellers in all marketplace categories except :

Self-registered bank
Personal info
If you have a forum reputation or reviews of your services, you can become a seller for free. For others from $50 to $250.
Набор продавцов во все категории маркетплейса, кроме :

Self-registered bank
Personal info
Если у вас есть репутация на форуме или отзывы о ваших услугах, вы можете стать продавцом бесплатно. Для других от $50 до $250.
Add | Leaks > Bases

308 - DL usa | $ 250

Front side + selfie of a person (no documents in hand)
Hacked from the transport site database


This is a Bump
ADD > Account > Bank Self-Registration

Lili Bank | 50-150$
ALBERT Bank | 110$
Business PayPal VCC Verified | 30$
Personal PayPal VCC Verified | 30$
KRAKEN | 70$
E-TORO | 30$
M1 Finance | 30$
Squareup | 30$
H.E.B Debit | 25$
AZULOSPlus | 25$
BlueBird | 35$
Ally.com | 80$
DAVE | 100$
CEX.IO | 100$
Porte | 50$
MANA | 25$
Chime | 50$
Movo.Cash | 250$
Sevices Market

Production of accounts personally in your hands

Если вы не нашли желаемый товар - можете его просто заказать!

Предлагаем поиск аккаунтов к вашим сервисам.
Можете заказать линк и мы постараемся добыть Вам товар.
После заказа в течение 1-3х дней вы получаете информацию и объем, который может быть вам предоставлен.

Порядок заказа:
-Вы пишите линк и желаемое количество аккаунтов
-Пишите примерную цену за единицу (товары будут проверены по аналогичным площадкам на цены чтобы не было пониженной цены) (при большем объеме конечо же скидки)
-Ождиаете отчет и тогда уже можете оплачивать товар

-Если вы не забираете свой товар при обговаренных условиях в течение 3-х дней - он будет залит на площадку с особой пометкой, дабы другие люди знали, что с сервиса можно что то получить

If you did not find the desired product - you can simply order it!

We offer a search for accounts for your services.
You can order a link and we will try to get you the goods.
After ordering, within 1-3 days you will receive information and the amount that can be provided to you.

Order order:
-You write a link and the desired number of accounts
-Write an approximate price per unit (goods will be checked at similar sites for prices so that there is no reduced price) (with a larger volume, of course, there will be a discount)
-Wait for the report and then you can already pay for the goods

-If you do not pick up your product under the agreed conditions within 3 days, it will be poured onto the site with a special mark so that other people know that you can get something from the service

Darth Maul Shop
We have made for you a convenient - simple bot for selling SSN.
Price $0.4 per line.

Just enter the State : NY,NV,CA,TX .....

Specify the number of lines (from 10 pieces).

And get instant results.
Bot : @ SSN_1977_bot
ecruitment of sellers in all marketplace categories except :

Self-registered bank
Personal info
If you have a forum reputation or reviews of your services, you can become a seller for free. For others from $50 to $250.
Набор продавцов во все категории маркетплейса, кроме :

Self-registered bank
Personal info
Если у вас есть репутация на форуме или отзывы о ваших услугах, вы можете стать продавцом бесплатно. Для других от $50 до $250.
Search DL - 13$
Search SSN - 13$
Search DOB - 3$
Search CS - 2$
Search CR - 6$

Add | Leaks > Bases

SSN 1000 Lines | 100$

Each item is unique
Name : LMame : adress : city : zip : state : SSN : dob : year

Darth Maul Shop
ADD > Account > Bank Self-Registration

MANA | 50$
Square | 70$
CEX.IO | 100$
Kraken | 60-100$
Citizens Access Savings | 50$
CHIME | 35$
M&T Bank | 50$
Bluebird | 40$
Schwab Bank | 50$
BusinessPayPal VCC Verified | 30-40$
Venmo |50$
Sevices Market

Open ups VCC / BA
Price on our fullz/on your fullz +10$

Twig - 65$
Porte - 65$
Dave - 110$
Chime - 65$
Found - 80$
Azulos plus - 50$
SquareUp - 60$
PayActiv - 50$
Hebdebit - 45$
Serve - 25$
Bluebird - 50$
Aspiration - 90$
Suvi - 90$
Spruce - 80$
Lili - 120$
Go2Bank - 85$

Bank Account:

Chase (Checking) - 100$
M&T (Checking) - 80$
Capital One (Checking) - 80$
Barclays(Saving) - 80$

Sevices Market

Downloading links from the site builtwith.com

There is a maximum subscription for this service. A large selection of parameters for the selection of links specifically for your purposes. Normal uploading takes place in two main formats: excel and/or csv.

The order of the service:
- Write what parameter to search for
- From 5 minutes to 12 hours you get the finished result in two (or optional)

Formats with all the information (the upload speed does not depend on my hardware and the Internet, this speed is set on their servers and, alas, I cannot speed it up). There are exceptions

Sevices Market

Cutting links from logs

Сделаем вам выгрузку с логов
Общий объем базы 400кк [формат URL-LOG-PASS]
Цена за 1 линк варируется в зависиммости от тематики сайта
Мы не вырезаем товар, который имеется на маркетплейсе.
Также, мы не ручаемся за количество валида в строках

We will upload logs for you
The total volume of the database is 400cc [URL-LOG-PASS format]
The price for 1 link varies depending on the subject of the site
We do not cut out the product that is available on the marketplace.
Also we do not vouch for the number of valids in the rows

Add | Leaks>Bases

Bins Database | $120

Bank Bins Database
Good Database
Format :
BIN : Bank : type : Country : URL and other info
Верх Низ