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I also caught such courage, distance, that it does not always work out that way. Bases are normal in the shop. Sometimes socks fail sometimes hands, etc.
There are a lot of nuances in this business that must be constantly taken into account, but this is what makes it interesting. If you find an iron bundle, you can earn a lot
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There are a lot of nuances in this business that must be constantly taken into account, but this is what makes it interesting. If you find an iron bundle, you can earn a lot
Even the most reinforced concrete connection is not eternal. Everything ends, and well, if not very quickly. The main thing is to always have at least one more scheme available.
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Пополнил балик в январе бабки упали сразу на балик в шопе. Прошел месяц и решил пополнить балик под тем же никоми пассом.Кош выдали транза в комплите вторая тоже а баланс в шопе не добавился. Написал тут в лс - ответов 0. ТС жду пополнения баланса. Пруфы скинул в ЛС
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