LUX DROP сервис USA под pick-up на Fake ID

✍Пишу по сути первые положительные впечетления,сервис отличный, сработали максимально профессионально,Ninja black отдельный респект за помощь и содействие новичкам, подняли очень быстро мой габаритный пак :D,на этом хоп,пожелав всем фарту и профита в темах☝
Привет, Друзья.

~ Наш список скупа обновился. Добавились следующие позиции:

  • Spectra s1 plus - 30% (45% скупка с дропов)
  • Spectra s2 - 30% (45% скупка с дропов)
  • Elvie breast pump -30% (45% скупка с дропов)
  • Dolphin pool cleaner - 30% (45% скупка с дропов)
  • Nest x Yale Lock Standalone - 30% (45% скупка с дропов)

~ До Нового Года 40% на Apple Watch Series 6 ( WI-FI только).
~ Отличный товар, который можно добавить в одну корзину с айфоном и сделать пак менее фродовым и более выгодным, не так ли? ?
~ Работаем по вопросу Wi-Fi+ Cell, надеюсь в ближайшие сроки сможем вас и этой моделью порадовать!

Не забываем про наши рабочие штаты CA, MA, IL, CO и для вас готовится еще одна локация!

~ Следите за новостями, всем хорошего сезона! :bt:
Welcome to Ninja Black Service! ~ You all vkurse - WHO WE ARE. We are the most honest and experienced pickup service with
Fake ID via USA on the Darknet. We have been on the market for more than 4 years, and it all started with the words:
"A new pickup service" Black Ninja "is opening, in the future the most reliable service for work in the USA. We will pick up
your package from those branches where the devil himself does not dare to enter even with a real ID
"~ We are very glad that we were able to fulfill these promises and despite our path we have passed our words, and
continue to hold the bar, even in the most difficult times of service. Over the years, there were 9 states in the
rotation of our service (CA, PA, NJ, FL, IL, NY, TX, WA, CO,), we even managed to work in Canada! Anything happened,
both good and bad, but most importantly, all the people who collaborated with us were satisfied with the quality and
speed of work, which, in fact, we focus on. ~ Our support successfully guides and directs dozens of people on the right
"carding" path new people every month and gives practical advice where needed. ~ And yes, FRIENDS, we continue to be a
breath of fresh air among the boring and overly finicky pickup services in this country. ~ But this is all lyrics, we
are used to proving everything by deeds! Just let's get acquainted with the terms of work and the rules of service:
Terms: 1. The total cost of the pack must be at least $ 1,000 (at the minimum cost on amazon). 2. The payment is made
within 7 working days after the BTC pack has been lifted. 3. If we did not pick up the pack within 5 days and deploy it,
we pay compensation in the amount of $ 100. 4. Compensation is not provided for such reasons as: the shop has deployed the
pack, a fake ID was detected at the department, it was not what you hammered in (the opening of the pack is recorded,
we will provide a video if necessary). You do the hold pack yourself. 6. We are engaged in shipping, all conditions are
discussed individually. 7. We do pick-up in store (apple, bestbuy, homedepot, walmart), and in those shops that do not
require a credit card8. Working states are indicated on the pickup card Information for work:

Information for work:
1. List of goods: Список товара и процент выплат -
(the percentage that you get from the minimum amazon price is indicated)
We are not limited to this list, we are ready to consider any liquid, the main thing is that the amount of the
pack should be from $ 1,000

2. Pickup Map: Ninjablack Pickups (Google My Maps)
You can monitor the working status of the states on it. The state is in operation, if the zone is activated on the map,
if the zone is disabled, then the state is temporarily not working. There are also black branches marked on the
map (black and orange marks). Black marks - branches from where we cannot pick up your pack. Orange label -
pickup possible under certain conditions. If you have any questions about working with the pickup card,
be sure to write to the support.

3. List of zips:

4. Procedure for transferring information:
tracking number
name and address of the cardholder
link to the ordered product or description
branch or office address where you need to pick up the pack

5. Contacts:
Jabber - [email protected]
Telegram - @ ninjablack63
Be careful with fakes. And we have no channel telegrams.

We are waiting for you all! And we earn together! And remember,
working with us is better than working in a factory. In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”
A deposit of $ 700 was made // Administration
Russian to English Translation
Can pick up around Gainesville, FL
It depends on a package. DM to our support @ninjablack63 in telegram for additional information!
Hey guys!
Holidays are coming isn't it?!
Our team want to wish you the best in next 2021 year!
We are hoping that CC prices will be cheaper, shops are gonna give you more stuff and everyone will find his real LOVE?

And don't forget - that work with NINJABLACK is much better then work in McDonalds!
Последнее редактирование:
Поздравляем всех с началом лета!
Это то самое время когда все начинают очень усердно тратить доллары и евро, которые усердно кардили на протяжении всего года!) А иначе ради чего все это, не правда ли?!

Все, да не все. Наш сервис работает с утроенной отдачей
, и никакие отпуска мы себе позволить не можем! Более того ооочень скоро планируется расширение на несколько штатов!
Один из который не открывался никогда на пикап по фейк айди раньше!)

Для работы доступны следующие штаты!

CA (смотреть зону, она очень широкая)
MA (Boston)
TX (Смотреть зону!)
FL (Miami)
PA (Philadelphia)


Материалов на эти штаты - уйма!
Надеюсь ни у кого не осталось вопросов, с каким сервисом работать по FAKE-ID пикапу?)

P.S Скуп список изменился и стал еще шире!
Следите за обновлениями друзья, Любим вас!
ПРивет! Вы работаете? как с вами связаться? точнее где быстрее всего отвечаете?
У нас хорошие новости!
Мы расширили зону пикапа, появляются новые штаты MA (Boston) и VA (Washington DC)
Полный список штатов теперь выглядит так:
CA (LA, San Diego)
FL (Miami)
GA (Atlanta)
CO (Denver)
MA (Boston) - NEW
VA (Washington DC) - NEW

По всем вопросам пишите в телеграм @ninjablack63 (сверяйте юзернейм, много фейков)
Hey Guys!
We already have so many people who are working with us from this beautiful forum!
And now its a winter/fraud positive season! Everyone can make packages and we will pickup them fast!
Lets work and make mmmmoney together!
Text our support in TELEGRAM for all information @ninjablack63

With allll love from your favorite pick up service Ninjablack!
Good afternoon .
I found your forum very attractive and promising.
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Верх Низ