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Его тема https://procrd.org/threads/lichnye-bankovskie-scheta-v-ssha-debetovaja-karta.9989/
Сумма претензии 250$
В начале ноября купил у него ба+карта да я получил примерно через дней 5 по поводу карты он написал что займёт от 4 до 6 недель что вообще не соответствует тому что написано в теме но суть не в этом счётом я так и не пользовался потому что покупка этого ба была только из за того что они делают дебетку я писал ему спрашивал что да как он мне постоянно писал карта ещё не пришла и т.п через 6-7 недель я написал ему что это не дело так как для пользования счётом мне нужна карта. Потом он мне написал что ба заблокировали и чтоб я не пользовался пока дедиком который он дал мне что будет переделывать мне ба и после этого не слуху не духу.
Итог ба локнули карту не получил век в его магазине тоже локнули по не известным причинам.
Всю переписку предоставлю арбитору.
Последнее редактирование:
Just got aware of this...

We processed his order, and delivered it.

- we expected delayed deliveries as specified on our last posts on our thread.
- after the established period for the card arrival had passed we proceeded to call for a card replacement.

* We got notified that the card was marked as returned and account was locked needing further verification. we spoke with the drop and told us card never arrived (we have received several cards from this drops so he wouldn't be lying).

* We don't have control over USPS which is the one where most if not all banks send the cards through.

* We offered a replacement to be made on Dec. 23th date in we got aware his account was locked.

* On 25th we announced publicly taking a break till January 3rd. that was extended till Jan 5th. (Now back at work and processing orders), all due holidays.

* Replacement are processed as normal accounts and can take up to 10 business days to be delivered.

** We have not blocked him on any of our platforms be it TELEGRAM - PRTBANK - JABBER, and we have never done so. (unless you come at us with insults and things not related to our service.), in fact the last message was sent from us on 23th December left on seen.

'' As before remember we don't have any kind of control over USPS + banks don't ship the cards with a tracking code unless it is a replacement. (even then only some give the tracking on replacement). "

- As specified on our thread we only provide refunds once:
** We haven't processed the order in 10 Business days at most in which we will consult with the customer if he prefers to provide 3 extra business days if he/she doesn't agree we issue a full refund.
- Account replacement are provided only when:
** When account has been locked due to an error made on our end.
** When an account has been suspended before customer use.
** When an account requires extra verification - when can pass it or replace the account up to the customer.
- Card replacement:
** Only once cards has passed over the eta we provide
** 2 times only first we will use same address on the account if replacement doesn't arrive, the we will ask for a replacement with a different drop address, after that we are out of any responsibility.
If there is any other question regarding this just let us know over telegram or tickets etc. remember that we earn more cash while our customers make cash so its a win / win.
Последнее редактирование:
Я считаю что я уже достаточно ждал
Will you make a replacement for the topic starter?
Так этот арбитраж закончиться чем нибудь? Мне как бы уже и счёт этот не нужен....
[DOUBLEPOST=1547194969][/DOUBLEPOST]Третий месяц пошол уже
Так этот арбитраж закончиться чем нибудь? Мне как бы уже и счёт этот не нужен....
[DOUBLEPOST=1547194969][/DOUBLEPOST]Третий месяц пошол уже
Бро ты сам то как думаешь вернут тебе что нибудь или нет ? наверное ты знаешь ответ
Will you make a replacement for the topic starter?

Yes we told him a replacement will be provided,
As said before replacements are processed as common orders that might take up to 10 Business days for delivery in this case the due date is Jan 18th. we expect to deliver his replacement way sooner than the due date.

If by that time the replacement isn't provided we will accept any deduction taken from the forums mods/admins, and any actions against us we will comply with them.

If its delivered in time we will provide proof of it, once account data is delivered.

- if there is any questions or anything to be known please let us know.
you will give me access to the account, but write again about the card that it’s necessary to wait for 4-6 weeks.
[DOUBLEPOST=1547236983][/DOUBLEPOST]it does not suit me, and so I have been waiting for two and a half months
you will give me access to the account, but write again about the card that it’s necessary to wait for 4-6 weeks.
[DOUBLEPOST=1547236983][/DOUBLEPOST]it does not suit me, and so I have been waiting for two and a half months

Unfortunatelly accounts are brand new and not re-sold + we dont have any control over banks or USPS so its our of reach to us this time as we are not on any holidays coming soon like past months the usual wait time should be 1 - 3 weeks at most.
It does not suit me why I have to wait ...... in this case, return the money and everything
What do you mean doesn't fill into refund ? I waited to this card 2.5 months, now you are saying that you will do a replacement of the bank account, and the waiting to the card is 3 weeks until you get it, till i get it, it will take longer. Why I need to wait ? I bought this account from you in the beginning of November.
I asking the arbiter to resolve this dispute and close this theme, because the actions of TS is beyond any reasonable structure, and the waiting is meaningless.
I remind you that the card was included in the package, due to I bought this account but he doesn't event shipped it, and unlikely will ship.
What do you mean doesn't fill into refund ? I waited to this card 2.5 months, now you are saying that you will do a replacement of the bank account, and the waiting to the card is 3 weeks until you get it, till i get it, it will take longer. Why I need to wait ? I bought this account from you in the beginning of November.
I asking the arbiter to resolve this dispute and close this theme, because the actions of TS is beyond any reasonable structure, and the waiting is meaningless.
I remind you that the card was included in the package, due to I bought this account but he doesn't event shipped it, and unlikely will ship.

Again card never arrived to our drop, he again repeat we dont have any kind of control over usps the estimate can be up to 3 weeks mostly now is taking a week and a half if you pick DHL as shipping method it would be on your hands 2-4 days after it arrives, up to you.
Истец, Ответчик действительно не может нести ответственность за деятельность почтовых сервисов. У меня тоже не все паки доходили, некоторые терялись, а казалось бы, USPS не Почта России. Скажите, Вы изначально соглашались на замену? Не требовали ведь сразу манибэка?
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